Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire Project Completion

Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire (SEGL) was successfully completed in Q3 2021 after a project duration of approximately three and a half years. The project was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It was managed and coordinated by North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC), which carried out the project together with the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS) at Trier University of Applied Sciences and other partners. The SEGL project aimed to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public buildings in Greater Lincolnshire, through the use of smart energy management systems, the use of renewable energy and the implementation of energy efficiency measures. IfaS provided significant support to NELC in the development and technical implementation of the project. Through energy audits with subsequent results reports and workshops, IfaS assisted the participating SMEs with technical information and advisory services. They were able to receive either a 38% energy efficiency project grant or a £500 energy voucher at the end of the 12-hour support. IfaS’ involvement in the SEGL project enabled a technical transfer of knowledge on renewable energy and material flow management and circular economy approaches to SMEs and local authorities in Greater Lincolnshire. Through the awareness raising that has taken place, a wide range of positive effects, including reduced energy consumption and increased carbon savings, financial savings and improved working conditions, have been achieved in the region.

The Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire project has achieved the following specific objectives:

  • 261 SMEs supported in the Greater Lincolnshire area
  • 10.169,914 kWh annual reduction in primary energy in public buildings
  • 4.270,452 kWh annual saving in energy consumption by SMEs
  • 708.870 kWh annual energy generation from renewable sources

In total, the project and the measures implemented saved around 3,670 tonnes of CO2 equivalents in Greater Lincolnshire.

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