Online meetings of the AROMA project: event information May & June

AROMA (Organisation of Regional Food Supply for Better Nutrition) is a project supported by ERDF funds under the INTERREG IV A Greater Region programme. The aim of the AROMA project is to improve the supply of local, high-quality food to the out-of-home catering (OOH) sector in the Greater Region. In doing so, the cross-border networking of the AHV actors as well as a fairer redistribution of value creation along the food supply chain are aimed at.

Within the framework of the project, the following webinars will be held in May & June:

Tuesday, 25 May 2021 from 2 to 4 p.m Title: Logistics, Barriers and Keys to Successful Supply
The event will highlight the different organisational forms of logistics for the food supply of community catering in the Greater Region as well as their difficulties and success factors.
Invitation and programme (german) /(french)
Participation is free of charge.
Register now until 25 May at 12 noon: HERE.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021 from 2 to 4 p.m Title: How to sell to the Greater Region Community Catering?
During the event, the interactive WIKI platform for out-of-home catering developed by the project will be presented, as well as the guidelines it contains for producers and buyers.
Invitation and programme (to follow)
Participation is free of charge.
Register now until 15 June at 12 noon: HERE.

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