4th meeting of the Thematic Group on the European Green Deal and rural areas

Zaira Ambu, project manager of the Biomass and Cultural Landscape Development Department of IfaS has participated as a speaker at the 4th meeting of the “Thematic Group on the European Green Deal and rural areas” presenting the results of the EIP-AGRI operational group MUNTER of which IfaS was the leader.

The webinar was held online on the 20th of May 2021 and it explored the successful examples of territorial and collective approaches that engage local people and beneficiaries leading to an increase in the uptake of environmentally sustainable land management practices in rural areas. The results of this meeting will be used for the drafting of a TG factsheet on territorial approaches that support the environment and climate objectives of the CAP SP.

MUNTER’s presentation showcased a concrete example of successful engagement and uptake of sustainable practices by farmers, municipalities, water managers, nature conservationists, and authorities. These key stakeholders applying together new multi-use concepts, easily replicable in other areas, have pro-actively contribute to finding a solution to reduce heavy rainfall’s negative effects on agricultural land and infrastructure in the region. The project has developed a management template that includes income diversification opportunities from agroforestry and biomass production for farmers and communities to increased environmental protection along with nature conservation, crop production, and livestock farming.

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